Kindergarteners, while performing a movement experience, will consider how movement affects our well-being and health. They will also talk about sports and physical activities that can be practiced in the fall. They will learn to distinguish direction through didactic and movement activities and they will dance and sing movement songs.
a song entitled ‘Hello Song For Children’, picture cards showing various types of physical activity, a sheet with dice cut into pieces, a dice, “Roll The Dice” card, disc/rings in two colors, sashes in two colors, hairbands/bands/bracelets, bean bags, a movement song entitled “Beanbag Bop”, a movement song entitled “Pass The Beanbag”, a movement song entitled “Healthy Twiggles”.
Activity description:
1. ‘Hello Song For Children’ – greeting with children – children stand with their teacher in a circle and try to sing the song entitled ‘The greetings song’. They imitate gestures that are shown by their teacher.
Hello everybody, how are you today? (teacher waves to kids)
It’s time to move your body and learn and play (everybody dances)
Hello to my teacher, how are you today? (children wave to the teacher)
I am going to listen to what you say (they show their ears)
Hello to my friends, how are you today? (everybody waves to each other)
I am going to share my toys with you today (show your hands)
Shake your head ‘yes’ (shake head to down and up)
Shake your head ‘no’ x2 (shake head from side to side)
Shake your head ‘yes’ (shake head to down and up)
Shake your head ‘no’ x2 (shake head from side to side)
Lift your arms up (lift your arms ups)
Put your arms down (put your arms down)
Lift your arms up and shake it all about (lift your arms up and shake it)
Again, up
Put your arms down (we put our arms down)
Lift your arms up and shake it all about (lift your arms up and shake it)
Bend to the left, bend to the right (bend to the left and right)
Bend to the left, bend to the right (bend to the left and right)
Hello everybody, how are you today? (teacher waves to kids)
It’s time to move your body and learn and play (everybody dances)
Hello to my teacher, how are you today? (children wave to the teacher)
I am going to listen to what you say (they show their ears)
Hello to my friends, how are you today? (everybody waves to each other)
I am going to share my toys with you today (show your hands)
I hope everybody will have a good day (show your thumbs up)
2. “Physical activities” – didactic activity – teacher puts one of the picture cards on the carpet showing various types of physical activity – covered with a piece of paper with dice on each part of the card. Children roll the dice one by one, reveal the appropriate fragment (with the number of dots on the dice), and try to guess what is in the picture. If a given child has guessed, reveal the whole picture, if not, the next child rolls the dice and reveals the next fragment of the picture. After discovering each picture in its entirety, teacher talks to children about the subject shown in the picture. Then, he/she asks children the following questions:
- What physical activities can you do in the fall?
- What are your favorite sports?
- Do you have any favorite athletes? What disciplines do they practice?
3. “Roll The Dice” – movement activity – children roll the dice one by one and do the activities according to the dots on the dice. Repeat this activity until every child rolls the dice.
4. “Is exercise healthy?” – didactic activity with experience – teacher asks children a question: Is exercise healthy? Children expresses themselves on the basis of their own knowledge and experience. Then, teacher asks children to perform an experiment: all the children stand up and, counting out loud, make 20 jumps. Then, teacher asks children: Has anything changed now? Do you feel different? (sweat appears, breathing is faster, heart beats faster, we want to drink, we feel better, etc.). Then, teacher informs children about positive changes taking place in the body under the influence of regular exercise, e.g. improving the mood, increasing the efficiency, endurance and strength of the body, preventing obesity, increasing resistance to germs, viruses and bacteria, oxygenating the brain, etc.
5. “One and two, one and two, everyone does what I do” – movement activity – teacher utters the sentence: One and two, one and two, everyone does what I do and present the exercise to be performed by children. After the exercise is done, select the child who will show the exercise to the group and then selects the next child. Repeat the activity until all children show the exercise.
6. “Left – right” – mathematical activity – teacher places discs/rings on the carpet in an amount corresponding to the number of children and then distributes sashes and hairbands/bands/bracelets to children. Children put on sashes and pretend to be discs/rings in the same color as the sashes. Then, teacher explains and at the same time shows children what to do:
- we stamp our feet firmly,
- we jump 5 times,
- we touch our chests to feel where our hearts beat,
- we put the hairbands/bands/bracelets on the left hand, i.e. the one that is closer to the heart
- we raise our left hand,
- touch the left ear with the left hand,
- touch the left knee with the left hand,
- we stretch our left hand to the left,
- we take three steps to the left,
- we go back to the discs/rings,
- we raise our right hand up,
- we touch our right eye with our right hand,
- we touch our right foot with our right hand,
- we stretch our right hand to the right,
- we take three steps to the right,
- we go back to the discs/rings,
- we take the discs/rings and bring it back to its place.
7. “Dictation walking” – mathematical and movement activity – children position themselves in disarray on the carpet, and then follow the teacher’s instructions, for example:
- take three steps forward,
- turn left,
- crouch,
- get up,
- stamp your right foot,
- take three steps to the right,
- jump,
- take two steps back, etc.
8. “Where is the bag” – a mathematical activity – teacher hands out bean bags to children and asks children with sashes of one color to line up on her/his right side, and children with sashes of the other color on his/her left. Teacher asks children to stand facing each other, shake their right hands, and then, in the resulting pairs, find some space in the room. One child in the pair closes his/her eyes, and the other put the beanbag in front of, behind, or on the right or left side of his friend. Then, the child who asks about the beanbag, asks: Where is the beanbag? And the other child quickly opens his/her eyes and answers the question. Repeat this game 5 times and change the roles.
9. “Beanbag Bop” – movement activity – children stand in a circle with a beanbag in hand and follow the instructions from the song.
Beanbag Bop
Everybody get your beanbag ready to rock
Follow me and have fun do the beanbag bop
Move your beanbag high, bop, bop
Move your beanbag low, bop, bop
Move your beanbag like you won’t ever stop
Everybody do the /b/ /b/ beanbag bop
Beanbag, beanbag side to side
Shake it, shake it, side to side
Beanbag, beanbag round and round
Circle, circle round and round
Beanbag, beanbag up and down
Up, down
Up and down
Beanbag, beanbag between your knees
Swing it, sway it between your knees
Move your beanbag high, bop, bop
Move your beanbag low, bop, bop
Move your beanbag like you won’t ever stop
Everybody do the /b/ /b/ beanbag bop
Beanbag, beanbag on top of your head
Top, top, on top of your head
Beanbag, beanbag under your chin
Hold it, hold it, under your chin
Beanbag, beanbag toss it up
Toss it, catch it, toss it up
Beanbag, beanbag back and forth
Toss it, catch it, back and forth
Move your beanbag high, bop, bop
Move your beanbag low, bop, bop
Move your beanbag like you won’t ever stop
Everybody do the /b/ /b/ beanbag bop
Everybody do the /b/ /b/ beanbag bop
10. “Pass The Beanbag” – movement activity – one child has a beanbag in hand. Everyone stand in the circle and follow the instructions from the song.
Pass The Beanbag
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Let’s go faster!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Let’s go slower!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Let’s pass it the other way!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Let’s go faster!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Let’s go slower!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Pass it the other way!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
“Super fast!”
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag round and round.
Pass the beanbag… “stop!”
Put the beanbag on the ground!
11. “Healthy Twiggles” – movement activity – children stand in a circle and follow the instructions from the song.
Healthy Twiggles
We wiggle, wiggle fast,
And we wiggle, wiggle slow.
We learn to stay healthy (Wiggle with hands on the hips)
from head to toe! (Touch head with both hands, then bend down to point to toes)
We jump up high,
And we jump down low.
It’s fun to be healthy (Put hands on hips)
from head to toe! (Touch head with both hands, then bend down to point to toes)
Jump in front and
jump to the back
Turn around and
clap your hands.
Step to the right
and step to the left
Touch your toes that’s how it goes.
We wiggle, wiggle fast
And we wiggle, wiggle slow.
We learn to stay healthy (Wiggle with hands on the hips)
from head to toe! (Touch head with both hands, then bend down to point to toes)
We jump up high
And we jump down low.
It’s fun to be healthy (Put hands on hips)
from head to toe! (Touch head with both hands, then bend down to point to toes)
Picture cards for the “Physical activities” activity
Card to cut for the “Physical activities” activity
Card for the “Roll The Dice” activity
Pages used:
- – a song entitled ‘Hello Song For Children’
- – a movement song entitled “Beanbag Bop” for the “Beanbag Bop” activity
- – a movement song entitled “Pass The Beanbag” for the “Pass The Beanbag” activity
- – a movement song entitled “Healthy Twiggles” for the “Healthy Twiggles” activity