Colors of summer – Older Children – Red Fruits

Kindergarteners will practice logical thinking and improve their math skills by playing with a red fruit – counting in the range of 10, arranging from the smallest to the largest and assembling a picture from parts. They will also develop physical fitness through the set of gymnastic exercises and learn a song entitled “Rainbow Colors”.


a song entitled “Colorful, Song”, fruit cards with double-sided tape, 3 envelopes with fruit stuck to each group, fruit jigsaws, fruit cards in various sizes, the worksheets entitled “Count the fruits”, 5 large sheets from the technical block (green, orange , purple, blue, red), sashes in four colors, a whistle, a song entitled “Rainbow Colors”, picture cards for the song.

Activity description:

1. “Hello to those who …” – greeting – children and their teacher sit in a circle. Teacher pronounces the next sentences, and children who are wearing something in a given color find an object in that color in the room, run to it and touch both the object and the garment in the given color at the same time. Teacher comes up with new sentences until all children are greeted:

  • Hello to those who are wearing something blue,
  • Hello to those who are wearing something red,
  • Hello to those who are wearing something green,
  • Hello to those who are wearing something white,
  • Hello to those who are wearing something yellow.

2. “Red associations” – a dictionary game – teacher asks children: “What do you associate with the color red?”. Children take turns giving their answers – all answers are correct.

3. “Red fruit” – movement activity – teacher spreads the cards with a red fruit all over the carpet. While the song entitled “The Rainbow Colors” is on, children run around the room avoiding the scattered pieces of paper. During a break in music, everyone picks up a piece of paper with a fruit and sticks it on the clothes in a visible place. Then, teacher asks children to sit in groups according to the drawn cards, i.e. a group of apples, cherries, strawberries, raspberries and currants.

4. “Fruit jigsaw” – didactic activity – teacher gives to each group one envelope with a picture cut into parts. The task of the children is to assemble this picture. When the correctness of the task is checked, the groups can exchange jigsaws – so that each group can assemble each jigsaw.

5. “We collect fruit” – movement activity – teacher spreads the cards with various sizes of a red fruit all over the carpet (adapt the number of pictures to the age and abilities of children). While the song entitled “The Rainbow Colors” is on, children run around the room avoiding the scattered pieces of paper. During a break in the music, children pick up the pieces of paper with a fruit stuck to their clothes. Repeat this game until all fruits are picked up. Next, teacher asks children to sit down in their groups again.

6. “From the smallest to the largest” – mathematical activity – children in groups arrange collected fruits from the smallest to the largest. After checking the task, the groups can exchange fruits – so that each group can arrange different fruits.

7. “Fruit salad” – movement activity – children sit in a circle on the carpet and carefully listen to their teacher. Teacher says a name of the fruit, and children who have pronounced fruit sticky get up, run around the circle and sit in a different place. Teacher can say two or three fruit names at once. When teacher says: “fruit salad” – all children run in a circle and then sit on the carpet. Repeat the game until all the children run out.

8. “Count the fruits” – worksheet – teacher discusses with children how to complete the task (paying particular attention that there are several types of worksheets – everyone has to work independently). Then, teacher distributes one type of a worksheet to one group, and then asks children to go to the tables, so that children from one group sit at different tables (children with strawberries, raspberries, apples, currants and cherries are supposed to sit at one table). While children are doing their task, teacher goes between the tables, helps children if they need it and checks the correctness of the task.

9. “Coded gymnastics” – movement activity – children march, jump or run around the room to the rhythm of the song entitled “Rainbow Colors”. During a break in the music, teacher holds up one of the colored cards (orange, purple, green, yellow, blue and red) high up, and children make the following movements:

  • green – straight jump
  • purple – clap overhead
  • orange – star jump
  • blue – stand on one leg
  • red – jumping jacks

10. “Rainbow Colors” – learning the song – children sit in a circle with their teacher. They repeat after him/her the lyrics of the song and try to sing it.

11. “Gymnastics” – a set of gymnastic exercises – children exercise according to the instructions given by their teacher:

  1. “Colorful circles” – teacher hands out sashes in four colors to children. Children run freely around the room. At the whistle signal, they form circles according to the colors of the sashes. Teacher observes and informs children which “color” has created its circle the fastest. Play this game 4-5 times.
  2. “Colorful puddles” – children spread the sashes on the floor, creating puddles of various shapes. Then, they run freely around the room. At the whistle signal, each child jumps into the first puddle it encounters. Play this game 5-6 times.
  3. “Colorful rope march” – children put a long “rope” out of sashes on the floor. Then, they line up in front of the train line. One by one, they pass the rope, foot by foot.
  4. “Colorful Dance” – children dance with sashes to the accompaniment of the song entitled”Rainbow Colors”.
  5. “Bare feet” – children sit barefoot on the carpet and put sashes on the carpet. At the signal of their teachers, they raise sashes – once with the left leg, then with the right leg.
  6. “Colorful shapes” – children sit on the carpet, holding their sashes in front of them. They arrange any shape out of them. At the end, children take the sashes to a teacher one by one.

* You can ask parents picking up their child from the kindergarten to dress their child in yellow tomorrow – or at least to have any yellow accent.


Fruit cards for the “Red Fruit” activity
Pictures to cut for the “Fruit jigsaw” activity
Fruit cards for the activities entitled “We collect fruit” and “From the smallest to the largest”
Worksheets entitled “Count the fruits”
Picture cards for a song entitled “Rainbow Colors”

Pages used:

  1. – a song entitled “Rainbow Colors”

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