Safety – Older Children – I know my home address

Kindergarteners will watch the stories about Grey – a baby swan, who got lost in the shopping center. They will learn what should they do if they get lost, practice remembering their address, do a worksheet entitled “Personal Information”, and learn the second part of a song entitled “Red Light Red Light What Do You Say?”.

Safety – Older Children – I know the emergency telephone number

Preschoolers will listen to the story “Snow White”, which will be a perfect introduction to conversations about the emergency number. They will listen to the song about emergency telephone number, do a worksheet “Emergency number” and practice “calling” the emergency number. They will know when they should call the emergency number and what they should say.

Safety – Older Children – I am safe on the road

Kindergarteners will practice coding – both by trying to compose their own code, and by decoding already existing one. They will go for a long walk where they will consolidate the rules of safe road movement and will conduct observations related to road traffic. After returning to the kindergarten, they will count the observed objects and make artistic and technical works called “Box city”.

Colors of summer – Older Children – How is a Rainbow Formed?

Kindergarteners will learn how a rainbow is made and what colors it consists of. They will listen to a poem entitled “A Rainbow”, perform the experiments allowing to repeatedly observe rainbows – both the real one made of a combination of light and water, and a sweetie made of colorful candies. They will also develop logical thinking and imagination by creating funny sentences from the first sounds of the colors of the rainbow, and will also make an artwork entitled “Rainbow”.

Colors of summer – Older Children – Red Fruits

Kindergarteners will practice logical thinking and improve their math skills by playing with a red fruit – counting in the range of 10, arranging from the smallest to the largest and assembling a picture from parts. They will also develop physical fitness through the set of gymnastic exercises and learn a song entitled “Rainbow Colors”.

Colors of summer – Older Children – How colors are made?

Kindergarteners will listen to a story entitled ‘Mouse Paint’, perform an experience that will help them find out how secondary colors can be created from primary colors and consolidate this knowledge by decoding secondary colors from primary colors. They will take part in the movement activities with colors and start to learn a song entitled ‘The Rainbow Colors’.

Once upon a time – Older Children – What do we know about prehistory?

experiment frozen dinosaur eggs picture story 'From egg to dinosaur' worksheet 'Which skeleton fits?' Preschoolers will experiment with frozen dinosaur eggs, compose the picture story 'From egg to dinosaur' and make the worksheet 'Which skeleton fits?'. They check their knowledge about the prehistory during the activity 'True or false?' and develop physical fitness through the dinosaur set of gymnastic exercises.

Kindergarteners will experiment with frozen dinosaur eggs, compose a picture story entitled ‘From egg to dinosaur’ and make a worksheet entitled ‘Which skeleton fits?’. They will check their knowledge about the prehistory during the ‘True or false?’ activity and develop physical fitness through the dinosaur set of gymnastic exercises.