Welcome to kindergarten – older children – During the class

Kindergartners will think about the meaning of rules and they will create a ‘Classroom rules’ board. They will talk about ‘a cool kindergartner’ and learn the second part of the ‘I'm going to school’ song and the ‘Clean-up’ nursery rhyme.

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Welcome to kindergarten – older children – In the group

Kindergartners will take part in icebreakers and team-building games. They will try to arrange their names from letters and paste them over with plasticine. Children will try to show what good behavior looks like by performing drama scenes and they will talk about their emotions.

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Welcome to kindergarten – older children – In the kindergarten

Kindergartners will listen to the story called ‘Dwarfs’ and take part in mathematical activities which include with these little creatures. They will learn about the kindergarten’s daily schedule, rooms in the kindergarten and the rules which apply there. They will also watch a short video about hand washing, and practice washing their hands.

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Healthy Habits – Older Children – Healthy Eating

Kindergarteners will listen to a poem entitled “The Food Pyramid” which is a good introduction to talk about healthy and unhealthy food. During didactic and movement activities, they will classify the products according to their impact on our bodies. They will also decode a fruit and vegetable slogan and make colorful and healthy sandwiches on their own.

Healthy Habits – Older Children – Personal Hygiene

Kindergarteners will listen to a story entitled “Germs Make Me Sick!”, which is an excellent introduction to conversations about taking care of personal hygiene. They will take part in the “Ah-choo!” experiment that will allow them to see how easily bacteria and viruses spread. They will listen to the short song entitled “The Sneeze Song” and will also do the “Germs” art work.