Let’s Be Safe

Older children

  1. At home
  2. On the way
  3. In the city
  4. In exceptional situations
  5. Outside the kindergarten

Younger children

  1. At home
  2. On the way
  3. In the city
  4. In exceptional situations
  5. Outside the preschool

Older children

  1. On my way to kindergarten – free material
  2. I am safe on the road – free material
  3. I know the emergency telephone number – free material
  4. I know my home address – free material
  5. Evacuation – free material

Younger children

  1. On my way to preschool – free material
  2. I am safe on the road – free material
  3. I know the emergency telephone number – free material
  4. I know my home address – free material
  5. Evacuation – free material

Free printable worksheets

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